If You’re a Woman Or Minority Working For Someone Else

Yesterday, I talked about
how many large companies
are dismantling
their policies and programs
women and minorities.

This means, of course,
women and minorities
no longer have much corporate protection.

They will be at risk of being targeted
by managers and coworkers
being fired for no solid reason.

If you’re a woman
or minority
working for someone else,
ensure you have your dirt file

(I wrote in detail
about the dirt file here
https://clientk.com/2023/03/05/the-dirt-file/ )

Keep copies
on non-work accessible personal devices
or print outs
any incriminating information
on everyone in power
at the company
you work for.

(Take photos
to make digital copies.
That is less likely
to leave a trail.)

And make preparations.
Save a bit of money.
Think about another source
of income.
Plan for a future
without your current employer.

If you are targeted,
this may make the difference
between being okay financially
and suffering.