Responses To No One

Most business builders
are fixers.
We like to fix problems.

And often
the way we try to
fix other people’s problems
is by giving advice.

99% of people
don’t listen to advice.

Most people also
hate receiving advice.

And giving advice that isn’t taken
valuable time
plus it is frustrating.

But it is dang hard to resist.

What I do (now) is…
I write my advice to that person
in a message
that I don’t ever send.

Yes, I waste time
on that initial message
but I save time
by not sending it
or dealing with the responses.

And I don’t get frustrated
with the person
for not taking my advice.

I have more time.
I’m happier.
And my relationships with
other people
are better.

Respond if you need to do that.
Simply don’t send that response.