Skilled Tradespeople Are NOT Project Managers

On the solar installation project,
there was no on site, active
project manager.

They relied on their teams
to manage their parts
of the project.

The solar panel installation
was outsourced.

The team that arrived
was headed
by one of the founders
of the business.

He was skilled at project management
as he actively managed his own business.

That part of the project
went very well.

The electrical part
of the project
was given to
two electricians.

Those electricians were skilled
at being electricians.
They knew f*ck all
about the project management.

That part of the project
was a complete mess.

They had to run
to the store
to buy parts every couple hours.

They installed
random, not-at-all thought out parts.

They did work
out of logical order
and then had to redo it.

The project WAS
eventually complete
but it cost a lot more
and it took a lot longer.

Project management
is a separate skillset.

Don’t assume someone skilled
in other areas
is able to manage a project.