A Hobby Vs A Business

When I tell people
I’m closing the Romance Novel Business
in two years,
they look at me stunned
and usually say something like
“You won’t be writing anymore?”

Oh. I’ll be writing.
Writing is pure joy for me.

I simply won’t be publishing
that writing.

I won’t be worrying about typoes
or rounds of edits
or covers
or marketing
or any of that stuff.

I won’t be spending
all that extra time
on each story
and I won’t be incurring
all that expense.

(For reference,
it costs me about
$1,000 US
to publish a story
and MUCH more than that
to promote it.)

I will be writing
for me alone.

The writing will be a hobby.
It will no longer be
a business.

There’s a HUGE difference
between these two statuses.

Remember that
when you’re thinking about
creating a business
based on one of your hobbies.