Excitement Is An Adult Emotion Also

A loved one
was telling me
about her holiday plans.
She overflowed with happiness and excitement
and it makes me smile
merely thinking about that conversation.

At the end of it,
she apologized
for ‘acting like a child.’
She ‘knew’
she was long past
the age
where she should be excited about
the holidays
but she couldn’t help it.
This year has been hell for her
she gave me several other excuses.

What horrid cruel person
told her
excitement was childish?

We SHOULD be excited
about things.
Excitement is a valid adult emotion.

It gives us the energy
and the push to complete tasks.

I have NEVER met
a successful business builder
who wasn’t excited
about the business
they were building.


Excitement is necessary
for success.

If we’re excited
about meeting up
with business partners or mentors,
for example,
we’re more likely to prepare for that meeting
and treat those people
to the warm welcome they deserve
and they will FEEL this.

That rush of excitement
we get when we think of a new idea
should be savored.
It propels us from
the mere thinking-about-it realm
into taking action.

Excitement isn’t a childish emotion.
It is a human experience.
And we should never grow
out of it.

Relish your excitement.