If You Won’t Change Their Minds, Stop Talking

I chatted with a reader
who hated romance novels.
She didn’t believe
happy was possible
for most people
and that included
imaginary people.

I presented points
but eventually
I realized…
I would never change her mind.
She would never believe
happiness is possible.

So I stopped talking.
I was wasting her time
and I was wasting my time
by talking about it.

We chatted about other things.
I realized I could never be friends
with someone
who didn’t believe I could be happy.
And we went our separate ways.

We don’t have to convince
We don’t have to sell
our products/services/ideas/stances
to everyone.

Some people will never buy
and that’s okay
because there are
over 7 billion people
in the world.

We don’t need that sale.
We can stop talking.