Someone Told Him No

James Patterson,
one of the best selling authors
in the world,
owner of a publishing house
with thousands of
best selling releases,
proud user of ghostwriters
(he outsources the writing
of his own novels),

“worried that
it is hard for white men
to get writing gigs
in film, theatre,
TV or publishing”.

“[It’s] just another form
of racism.
What’s that all about?
Can you get a job?
Is it harder?

In other words,
someone dared
to tell him no,
to not consider him
for one opportunity.

“When you’re accustomed
to privilege,
equality feels like

You’re going to hear
more bellyaching
(often super successful)
old white guys
about being oppressed.

They’re not accustomed
to being told no,
to competing
with the rest of us.

Ignore them.
We have our own
businesses to build.