Envision The Ending

I love writing Romance Novels.
I suspect I’ll always write them.

But I also suspect
there will come a day
when I don’t publish them,
when I don’t engage
in the business side of writing,
when I ‘retire’.

I knew this from the start.

Which is
(one of the many reasons)
why I publish
under a pen name
(brand name).

I can sell that pen name
if I want to do that.
I can transfer it
and all my backlist (products)
to another writer or entity.

Will I do that?
That is doubtful.
I find that a bit
ethically challenged.

But by planning
for the end of my career
at the beginning of it,
I have given myself options.

Before starting your business,
think about all the possible ways
you could wrap up your business.
Build those possibilities
into your plans.