A Time To Rest

It would be very easy
for me
to work hard
seven days a week.

There are unlimited stories
I could write
(products I could manufacture),
endless promotion
I could do.

But working hard seven days a week
would make me ill.
I would burn out physically
and mentally.
And then I wouldn’t be writing
ANY stories.

I try my best
to take it easy
on Sundays.
That’s my day of rest.

Jean Brownhill,
Founder of Sweeten,

“On a deeper note,
there’s a framework
that athletes use
that has been really helpful.
There’s time to play,
time to practice,
there’s time to rest
—you need to do all
of those things.

There’s no athlete
in the world
who hasn’t built in recovery
into their overall strategy
for living.”

Rest is important.
Schedule for it.