Getting Started

Getting started,
for me,
is the most difficult part
of any project
any day.

There are a few tricks
I use.

I remind myself
that it IS the most difficult part
and that once I start,
momentum will kick in
and it will become much easier.

I give myself
permission to start badly.
I’ll write awful scenes,
for example,
knowing once I get going,
I’ll have the momentum
to go back and revise them.

The focus is to start.
It isn’t to be perfect
or even to finish.

I’ll start with a favorite task,
something I love to do.

Or I’ll start with an easy task,
something I can complete
without much struggle.

I’ll end the previous day
in the middle of something.
That way,
the next day,
I’ll already be partially finished
that task
and I’ll know what I’m doing.

Do what you can
to get started.
The process will
become easier.
