If You Can Be Kind

A writer contacted me yesterday.
She is now a big name writer.
Her books are awesome.
They sell a gazillion copies.
And she recently landed
a movie deal.

She confessed yesterday
to almost quitting
after her first published story.
It had sold very few copies.
And it was being critiqued hard
by some readers
and other industry professionals.

She endured a week
of that misery after her book release,
decided her career as a writer was doomed.
That would be the first and last book
she ever published.

Then I commented on
one of her social media posts.
I told her
I was cheering for her.

Between you and me
and the internet,
that is something
I tell a lot of writers
…because I DO cheer
for a lot of writers.

But, for her,
it made a difference
between quitting
after that first failure
and continuing
onto eventual success.

She told herself
she couldn’t quit
if she did that,
she’d disappoint
a USA Today Bestselling Author,
an author she admired.
She didn’t want
to let me down.

And today,
she is an author
other writers admire.

If you have a choice,
if it doesn’t hurt you,
be kind.

You could change a life
with a mere one line message
of hope.