To Get To The Next Level

I grew up dirt poor.
I knew how to be dirt poor
and survive.
I had that skill set.

But I wanted to be rich.
My Wonderful Mom matched me
with a couple
who had amassed enough wealth
to retire in their 40s.
They taught me
how to be middle class
and also how to be
their level of rich.

These were two different
sets of skills,
two different knowledge bases.

There is a knowledge base
to ‘succeed’ at each level.

A ‘successful’ poor person,
for example,
has mastered
how to rent an apartment well.

A ‘successful’ middle class person
has mastered
how to buy a primary home well.

A ‘successful’ rich person
has mastered
how to buy investment properties well.

There are also
different skills needed
at every level of business building.

Building a Mom and Pop business
requires a different knowledge base
than building an international corporation.

To get to the next level,
you have to learn
new skills.
Expect to do this.
Allocate the necessary time.