Earning Money As A Goal

I write for the love of it.
I publish my stories
for readers.

I judge whether or not
readers want my stories
by how many of them
are willing to pay for the stories.

THAT is,
for good or bad,
the benchmark of adding value
in our current society
– how much people are willing
to pay for something.

If readers aren’t willing to pay
for my stories,
my time would be better spent
doing something else,
something society values
enough to pay for.

As Seth Godin

“How many people
would be doctors
if being a doctor
was something
you couldn’t get paid for?”

Very few.
Because it would indicate
being a doctor
wasn’t something others valued.

And most of us
want to do things
that are valued.
We want to BE valued.

Never be ashamed
of using sales or salaries
or other financial compensation
as a determinant
of whether or not
you take a job
or complete a task
you don’t really want to do
or build a business.

As long as society
continues to tie value to money,
it SHOULD be a deciding factor.