Where Things Went Wrong

The company imploded
because of one bad decision,
one unlucky break.

We hear that story
quite a bit
as business builders.
In the past,
that would scare the sh*t out of me.
I was petrified
I’d make one bad decision
and destroy everything.

Until I realized
it wasn’t truly one bad decision
that blew up that other company.
Companies can recover
from one bad decision.

The destruction was caused
by a series of bad decisions.
That is far more fatal.

Seth Godin

“We focus on the thing
that happened
just before the end.
And that’s almost always
an unimportant moment.

Things went wrong
(or things went right)
because of a long series
of decisions and implementations.
A misguided strategy,
a bad hire,
a brilliant insight
about network effects
–these are the acts
with leverage,
not the obvious thing
that all the pundits
would like to talk about.”

One bad decision
is unlikely to destroy
everything you’ve built.
We can relax about that.

Multiple bad decisions
is what
we have to watch out for.