Shiny New Toy Syndrome

Writers (and other new business development folks)
are known for this
– they are hit by a shiny new story idea
and they are tempted
to abandon their current project,
their brand building,
their existing readership
and follow it.

This happens to almost ALL writers.
Those writers who stick to one niche?
They are cursed with shiny new story ideas also.
They have merely figured out
how to deal with them.

One of the tricks
is to have a friend
whose primary job
is to keep us on track.

My spouse plays this role for me.
I tell him during planning sessions
that I will be tempted to stray
from the plan,
to abandon my readers (customers)
and venture into another niche.
His job is to keep me on track.
That is our best plan
for success.
I need him to help me follow it.

And he does that.
I go to him
when the bright and shiny
is calling my name.
He redirects my attention
to the plan,
to the stories I should be writing.

That has been a big component
of our success.

You WILL be tempted
by bright and shiny new ideas.
Put in a system
to help you deal with that temptation.

Stick to your plan.