Fear Is The True Objection

Some of my eBooks
are priced at $0.99
yet I’ll hear from a few prospects
that they are too expensive.

But when I drop the price
to free,
they still won’t read it.

That’s because
their true objection wasn’t the price.
It was fear.

They’re afraid of making
a mistake
afraid of telling me
they aren’t interested in the book
afraid of something else
I haven’t yet uncovered.

Seth Godin
“…if new information
overcomes a previous objection,
it’s often followed by
a new objection.
“The safety issue
you said you were worried about
is addressed
in this peer-reviewed study…”
And then there’s another objection,
and another…

What’s actually happening is
the person is saying,
“I’m afraid.””

Until we address the real objection
– fear –
we won’t secure the sale.

Uncover your prospect’s fear.

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