I’m behind schedule
on writing a first draft.
A writer told me
to outsource that first draft,
to assign it to ghostwriters
to write.
That won’t speed up
the process.
Five people writing one book
slows the process.
It doesn’t speed it up.
Because the first action
(writing chapter one, for example)
has to be done
before the second action
(writing chapter two)
It requires less communication
and other work
to allow one person
to write the entire book.
As Seth Godin
“The Mythical Person-Month
is a serious trap.
Nine people,
working together
in perfect harmony,
cannot figure out
how to have a baby
in one month.
Throwing more people
at a project
often does not speed it up.”
Adding people to a task
might not speed the completion
of that task.
Build that into
your schedule
and into your deadlines.