What Do You Take With You?

One of my loved ones
is a skilled salesperson.

The first thing
a company hiring him
wants from him
is his list of clients.
They encourage him
to enter client details
into a database.

He resists this,
doing the minimum required,
maintaining his own
more extensive database.


Because his client list
is one of his greatest assets
and he wants to take it
with him
when he leaves the company.

He also knows
this client list
is WHY he was hired.
Once the company has it,
they no longer need him.

Seth Godin

“A hard-working
but disrespected worker
(whether an online freelancer
or an actual factory worker)
struggles because
they’re not seen
as owning enough.

People have choices,
and they often choose
to hire and
do business with
entities that own something
that they want to use
or leverage.”

With the internet,
everyone has the ability
to own something.

Because that something
could be knowledge.
It could be the years
of weekly podcasts
or blog post
or online workshops
you’ve taken.

If you’re reading this post,
you own something.
You own the knowledge
you have learned
in this post.

tracking that knowledge
and adding to it.

Build an asset
– your brain –
no one can duplicate.