Not Good

I’ve worked for decades
improving my storytelling skills.
I know I can tell a great story.

But I also know
I’ll receive 1 star reviews
on my stories
with lines like “This story was awful.”
or “This writer can’t write.”


Because some people
can’t articulate
why they don’t like something.
They aren’t brave enough
to simply confess to
not liking it
so they resort to calling
the product or service

Those readers aren’t
my readers.

I don’t change my stories
for them.

I find readers
who DO appreciate
what I’m offering.

Seth Godin

“…once we start to build skills
and offer something of value,
some people are going to
persist in believing that
we’re not that good.
They’ve told us something
about themselves
and what they want
and need.
This is a clue to
offer our leadership
and contribution to
someone else,
someone who gets
what we’re doing
and wants it.
The smallest viable audience
isn’t a compromise,
it’s a path forward.
Find the folks who are
enrolled and open
and eager.
Serve them instead.”

Your product/service
will ALWAYS be considered
‘not good’
by someone.
Accept this
and don’t let it stop you.

Categorized as Marketing