Before You Look For A Mentor…

New writers post
in writing groups
all the time
looking for mentors.
They have long lists
of who these mentors should be
and what these mentors
should be willing
to do for them.

There is NEVER
any mention
of what this new writer
will offer the mentor.

Yes, the protégé
is unlikely to be able
to offer much knowledge
in the area
she wants to be mentored.

But she likely has knowledge
in other areas.
Maybe she’s looking for marketing advice
but she’s skilled in finance
or baking pies
or beach volleyball.

Or maybe she has time
she can offer the mentor.
She will be a beta reader
for a writing mentor
or put together mailers
for a small business mentor.

Mentoring is a relationship.
A relationship has to flow
both ways.

Before looking for a mentor,
figure out what you can offer
a mentor.

Categorized as Marketing