The Power Of Little Breaks

I haven’t received
a lot of big breaks
in my lifetime.

That’s okay.
Because I’ve received
millions of little breaks.

Today, for example,
7 people retweeted
one of my promo posts.
3 people have,
thus far,
discovered book 1
in a long, older series.
I was asked to be a guest
on a writer’s blog.
I read an article
about promotion
that might increase my sales.

I receive so many
little breaks;
I often can’t take advantage
of all of them.

And those little breaks
have often meshed
into success.

Seth Godin

“Little breaks get you
into a room,
but they don’t guarantee
your performance.
Little breaks get you
a glimmer of trust
or opportunity,
they give you a microphone
and a chance
to share your dream.”

Don’t ever discount
the power of little breaks.
They can change
our worlds.