A salesperson loved one
gave a great presentation
on a new development
in the industry.
After the presentation,
a member of the audience
rushed up to him
and asked him
to give the presentation
to his Fortune 500 company.
He said it would be ‘easy.’
The salesperson
could use the same presentation.
Except it wouldn’t be
the same presentation.
The audience would be different
and a great presenter
changes his or her presentation
for different audiences.
This new audience,
for example,
wouldn’t know the same acronyms
and some of the same jargon.
They would respond better
to examples
from their niche.
They require a different speed
of presenting.
I do the same thing
with my book descriptions
(sales copy).
I offer a different book description
for an ad
in a newsletter with price conscious readers
than I would
for an ad
in a newsletter with
prefer-to-read-books-first readers.
If you’re giving the same
or using the same
for everything,
you are likely not maximizing
your sales.
Consider changing them
for each new audience.