Quitting Creates Opportunities

As kids,
we were often told
not to quit anything.
The phrase
“I ain’t no quitter.”
was thrown around
like that was a good thing.

It CAN be a good thing.

It can also be
a very bad thing.

If we never quit
diapers as toddlers,
we’d still be wearing them

If we never quit
our first job,
we’d likely be making
minimum wage right now
and have a very limited skill set.

If we never quit
that doomed to fail
we wouldn’t be building
the business we are now.

Quitting is necessary.

It creates time
and space
and frees up
other resources
to try new things,
to grow as people,
to give us more experiences
in our often too short lives.

Quitting too early
can be a bad thing.

Quitting when it is time
to quit
is a VERY good thing.

Don’t ever be ashamed
of quitting.
It is necessary for success.

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