Keeping Ideas Secret

I keep my ideas
for next stories
to myself.

I’m not afraid
of these ideas
being stolen.

Most writers
have more ideas
than they can ever
possibly write.

And, often,
sales are better
when many writers
use the same premise.
It becomes a trope
readers search for.

I keep my ideas
to myself
because I don’t want
to hear
criticism of them.
I don’t want them
to be picked apart
and analyzed
before I have the fun
of writing them,
of discovery.

That discovery
pushes me
to write stories faster
or to write them at all.
Once it has been done,
I don’t have an urgency
to write the story.

Seth Godin

“An idea unspoken
is a safe one,
which not only
can’t be stolen,
but it can’t be
tested, criticized,
or used in the real world.

It is okay
to keep an idea
a secret
if that makes
you MORE likely
to act on it,
not LESS likely.