Many people think
I’m a business babe
merely for the money
it might bring me.
They thought that
when I was a junior accountant
just starting out.
They thought that
when I was in New Business Development
working on industry-changing innovations.
They think that
when I’m writing and releasing
Romance Novels.
I chose those roles
because I LOVED them.
That junior accountant role?
It was my dream job
at that time.
I was working
in a comfortable office building,
sitting in a comfortable chair
in front of a comfortable desk,
completing the business equivalent
of sudokus
and being PAID to do that.
My dreams changed
and I moved on
but while I held that job,
I loved it.
Your current job
is someone’s dream job
If it isn’t your current dream job,
maybe it is time
to move from it.
But while you hold it,
remember that someone
out there
believes you’re dang lucky
to be doing it.