One of the commercials
aired during the Super Bowl
featured Edward Scissorhands.
That movie released
in 1990,
31 years ago.
It isn’t replayed often
on TV
(I know this
as I look for it.).
Very few people
under the age of 47
know this movie.
Yes, NFL viewers skew older.
The median age
of viewers
for this year’s Super Bowl
was 49.1 years old.
But that means half
of the viewers
were younger than 49.1.
Half of the viewers likely
didn’t ‘get’
the Edward Scissorhands reference.
A Romance Reader
recently posted a plea
for Romance Writers
to stop referring to
Sex In The City
in marketing copy
and books.
The last episode
of Sex And The City
aired in 2004.
That was 17 years ago.
It was an adult show.
That means the youngest
of those viewers
are now at least 35 years old.
Romance Readers tend to skew older
but that is irritating
quite a few younger readers,
the future of Romance.
Use dated pop culture references
with care,
especially if you want
to position your brand
as being new, fresh, exciting.
Some prospects
won’t understand
these pop culture references.