When I was young
and not eating every day,
I crafted a definition
of what was honorable,
what was ethical,
what was right.
I was desperate
for cash
yet I set lines
I wouldn’t ever cross.
I knew if I crossed those lines,
I would no longer
have pride in myself.
I would no longer
be me.
I was cynical, however,
even at that young age.
I’d seen a bit
of the bad side of the world.
I was well aware
others would happily
jump over those lines.
My definition of honor,
of right and wrong
wasn’t theirs
and it was dangerous
to assume it was theirs.
When you do business,
keep true to yourself.
Retain and protect
your honor.
don’t ever assume
others will act honorably.
Get a legal contract.
Put all critical agreements
in writing.
Don’t tie your business’ success
on someone else’s code of ethics.