Perfection Isn’t The Goal

Perfect is the enemy
of good fiction writing.


Because emotion,
not perfection,
is the goal of great fiction writing
and emotion is raw.
It has rough edges.
Its structure is a little…off,
which throws the reader
a little off,
allowing her to feel.

Revising all of the emotion
out of a scene
isn’t merely possible.
It is practically a cliche
in writing.

If this is true
in writing,
where every word counts,
it is definitely true
in other industries.

Perfect also isn’t possible.

As Seth Godin

“It’s foolish to wait
until you’ve made
something that’s perfect,
because you never will.
The alternative is
to continue to move
toward your imaginary ideal,
shipping as you iterate.”

Perfection isn’t the goal
and it can prevent us
from reaching our goals.

Keep your eye
on what you truly
want to achieve.