Start Giving Back Now

I give a percentage
of my sales
to a certain cause.

Every year,
at the end of December,
I post the impact
of that giving.

The first year
I did this,
the impact was very small.

Five years later,
the annual impact
(which I don’t talk about)
is still very small
the cumulative impact
is sizable.

It is large enough
to make readers
proud and excited
that they’re making a difference.

If you plan to
give a portion of your sales
back to charity
volunteer hours
OR give in a different way,
consider starting that now.
Keep track of that giving.

Oh, and consider ‘tracking’ it
by a measurement other than
dollars given.
Use meals donated
or people helped
or trees planted.

THAT is the true difference
you’re making
in the world.