Are You Looking At The Right Numbers?

Many people,
when they discuss
how devastating COVID-19 is,
will point
to the number of dead.

Well over 222,000 Americans
have died from COVID-19.
That’s horrible.

But the number I look at
is the number of infected.

Well over 8 MILLION Americans
have been infected with COVID-19.

Why do I look at
the number of infected?

Because countries didn’t close down
based on the number of people
who will die.

Dying is a devastatingly tragic outcome
but the odds of dying from COVID-19
are, fortunately, fairly low.
Dying also doesn’t require
a lot of resources
from countries.

Spending a lifetime
(i.e. no longer testing positive)
yet ill,
unable to work,
needing medical attention,
is extremely expensive.

And the odds of that
with COVID-19
is appallingly high.

I suspect
you’re currently focusing on
a wrong number,
a wrong perimeter
for success

I, for example,
when building my social media presence,
was focused on the number of followers.

I wasn’t focusing on the true barometers of success
-the number of people I converted
to newsletter subscribers
the number of people
who bought my books.

And that cost me money
and time.

Evaluate the numbers
you track.
Does focusing on them
bring you closer
to your definition of success?