Help Your Neighbor

One of my neighbors
is extremely skilled
with yard work.
He, by far,
has the best yard
in the neighborhood.

If he sees someone
working on their yard,
he often wanders over,
expresses an interest
in what they’re doing,
and answers any questions
they might have.

Yes, this means
he could have competition
for the best yard
in the neighborhood
as he explained to me,
if the yards around his
are well tended,
it makes tending
to his own yard easier.

There are fewer weeds
and pests
and garbage
and other issues.

Seth Godin

“When people deprive others
of education and opportunity,
they’re not helping themselves,
they’re depriving themselves
of the benefits
that would come from
what others would end up

We don’t benefit
from treating others poorly,
we pay for it.”

Help your neighbor
when you can
– whether that neighbor
is physically close to you
or virtually close to you.

That generosity
is likely to benefit
in the long run.

Categorized as General