Setting The Mood

The first page
of a book
is the most important.


Because it sets

It tells readers
this is a Mystery
or a Romance
or a Science Fiction story.

It also tells readers
this is a serious book
or a comedy
or a scary story
or an emotional one.

And that page
how the reader
every other page.

If the first page
the story is a Romance,
the reader will look
for the romance
on every other page.

If the first page
frightens the sh*t
out of the reader,
the reader will look
for scary stuff
during the rest
of the story.

This happens with books
with person-to-person encounters.

If you tell a joke
as an ice breaker,
people will perceive you
as being funny,
will look for the humor
in other statements from you.

If you frown
while you shake their hands,
they’ll see you
as a serious person
and are unlikely
to talk about silliness
with you.

Seth Godin

“Do you lead with,
“I broke my ankle
that summer
and rarely got out”
or is it,
“I stuck with
my reading regimen
and read all of Shakespeare.”

Because both are true.

The top story
is the one
that informs our narrative,
and our narrative
changes our future.”

Your first interaction
impacts the rest
of your interactions.

Put some thought
into it.

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