Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling well.
I also had a funeral to attend.
My goal for that day
was simply to survive it.
And that’s okay
…for rare days
like that.
It ISN’T okay
if that’s the goal
EVERY day.
Because if we don’t
have a goal other than survival,
we will never progress
past survival.
We’ll be trapped
in that stressful unhappy state
and we shouldn’t wish that
for anyone.
“Just getting
through the day
To what end?
Is tomorrow
another day to get through?
After you get through
all the days,
then what happens?”
It may seem impossible
to do more than survive.
But it is much easier
than you believe.
All it takes is
ONE more task
that day,
one task that moves you
one small step
closer to your bigger goals.
That could be…
writing one more blog post
clipping one more coupon
making one more sales call
delivering one more flyer.
Accomplish that one more task
and you’re not merely
living for today.
You’re living for your future.