The Economy

“We must bolster
the economy!”

“The economy
is more important
than a few thousand lives.”

“But what will this decision
do for the economy?”

Many people talk about
the economy
as though
having a healthy economy
is the end goal.

It isn’t the end goal.

The economy
is a measurement
of some systems
put in place
to help us get
to our end goal
– being healthy, happy,
well fed, sheltered,
safe, free.

If having a healthy economy
doesn’t move us
closer to our ultimate goals,
if it doesn’t keep
as many people alive as possible,
if it doesn’t allow
as many people as possible
to buy food,
obtain housing,
find some happiness,
that isn’t the measurement
we should be looking at.

Systems are important
and having measurements,
means of
tracking those systems
can be extremely helpful
but they should never be
a higher priority
than our true goals.

Keep your focus
on your true goals.