A writer posted in a group
that she did everything ‘right’
and her book still didn’t sell.
That happens…often.
If success was guaranteed,
everyone would write a book
or start a new business
or head a project.
Failure is ALWAYS an option.
So we should plan for it.
What do we do
if the new product release
is a disaster?
What else can we do
with that product?
For example,
I know if a story bombs,
I have a second chance
when the second story
in the series releases.
If that doesn’t work,
I have a third chance
when the third story
If that doesn’t work,
I end the series there
and I place the first story
on permafree.
If that doesn’t work,
I try bundling the stories.
If that doesn’t work,
“The art of solving problems
often involves
spending time and energy
on what you’ll do
when you don’t actually
solve the problem.”
What is YOUR plan
for failure?