Information Flows Both Ways

Every so often,
a writer reaches out to me
and states
‘We should share information.
That would help both of us.’

That WOULD help
both of us
if WE shared information.

But WE usually don’t share
I share information
and the other person
keeps her insights to herself.

So I test this new relationship.
I share 3 insights
(this happens so often
I have a file
containing these 3 insights
and I merely copy and paste
the information).

If they don’t share
any of their insights,
that’s it.
I stop sharing.

Not because I’m greedy.
But because it takes
time and effort
to share information
and I won’t expend that
time and effort
on someone who is using me.

Information flows both ways.
If you want others
to share their insights,
you have to share yours.