Time Is The Most Precious Resource

I produce, at minimum,
one new story (product)
every two months.

I’m in my late 40s now.
I hope to write
for at least another 40 years.

I also know
I will never write
all of the stories
I want to write.

But I can try.

THIS is why
I drive myself.
THIS is why
I sit my a$$
at the keyboard
every day.

I’m, hopefully,
not even halfway
through my life
and I already realize
I’m running out of time.

Seth Godin

“All of us are
on borrowed time.
There are no refunds
and there are no guarantees.

At some point,
the only time
you’ll have to worry about
is the time you’ve wasted.”

You likely won’t
launch all the products
you want to launch,
start all the businesses
you want to start.

But you can try.

Don’t waste time
unless wasting that time
is a joy in itself.

Please note:
Taking days off
to recover
mentally, emotionally, physically
during this crisis
isn’t ‘wasting time.’

It is a much needed
allocation of your time
toward maintaining your health,
which will likely
EXTEND the number of years
you have
on this wonderful planet.

It is an investment,
not a ‘waste.’