I can guarantee
there is a business builder
in this crisis-stricken world
who is only one sale
away from either
closing her online business
or continuing it.
I know this
because I see the posts
in the writers’ groups all the time.
“I’ve told myself
if I get 10 sales today,
I’ll continue
publishing my stories.”
“If I get 5 sales today,
I’ll continue
the series.”
That one book purchase,
that $2.99 purchase
you make today
could mean the difference
to that writer.
YOU could be the reason
she continues writing.
YOU could be the reason
she makes it financially
through this crisis.
YOU could be the reason
she eventually changes
the face of literature,
of the world.
“Our culture is the result
of a trillion tiny acts,
taken by billions of people,
every day.
Each of them can seem
but all of them add up,
one way or the other,
to the change
we each live through.”
Tiny actions are important.
They add up
and create change.