If I had a dollar
for every person
who has told me
I should be selling more books
because so many people
are at home
and have nothing else to do,
I’d actually make
my sales targets for the year.
That is the rational assumption.
People have more time.
They must be reading
more books.
But people aren’t rational.
We’re highly emotional.
And right now,
our emotions are in overdrive.
We are worrying
and scared
and confused
and lost
and angry
and grieving
All of those emotions
destroy concentration.
Many people can barely focus
on a 30 minute update
on the crisis they’re worrying about.
They certainly aren’t
reading a 200 page novel.
So, no, I’m not selling
more books.
Sales aren’t terrible
but they certainly aren’t great.
People aren’t rational.
Make decisions
based on actual results,
not assumptions.