Money CAN Buy Happiness

Whenever we share that
one of our business building goals
is financial security and independent,
some idiot is likely to reply,
“Money can’t buy happiness.”

Yeah, that’s bullsh*t.

Money CAN buy happiness,
especially in the USA.

I grew up dirt poor
in North America.
We didn’t eat every day.
We were homeless at times
and constantly worried
about losing our home
at other times.
Fights about money
were regular events.

Hunger pains
and the constant fear
of being homeless
REALLY impact happiness levels.

In the USA,
money can decide
whether you live or die,
whether your loved ones
live or die.

It is the difference
between getting immediate treatment
for cancer
or delaying it until you have the funds.

Money decides
if you take the weekend off
and spend it with your family
or you ask for that extra shift
at the job you hate
to pay the rent.

Money decides
if you buy your daughter
the coding book she really wants,
the coding book
that might change her life

There are hundreds
of ways
money can impact happiness.

Money CAN buy happiness.
It might not be right
but it is today’s reality.