Why The Witcher Works

The most popular show
right now
is The Witcher.

Some people believe
its popularity
is due to its similarities
to Game Of Thrones.

Some people believe
it is due
to women
thirsty after Henry Cavill.

I believe it is due
to Henry Cavill,
but not merely because
he’s a good looking actor.

I believe it is
because he cares
very much
about this production.

He is a big fan
of the games.
He knew the story,
was passionate about the story,
and did everything he could
to land the role.

Now, he’s doing everything
he can
to make it a success.
He’s ensuring it stays
relatively true
to the books and games.
He’s being
the best d@mn Geralt
he can be.
He brings passion
to the production.

And all that shows.

Never discount
the power of passion.

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