A writer went on a rant
about how her books
are constantly placed
in the wrong categories at Amazon.
Amazon has a system
for placing items in categories.
It isn’t personal.
They aren’t making
individual decisions
about each book.
This writer is clearly inadvertently
instructing the system
to place her books in categories
she doesn’t want them placed in.
The system isn’t broken,
as she bitterly complained.
SHE merely doesn’t understand
the system.
The issue is with her.
By going on a rant,
she made herself
look like a complete dumba$$.
It would have been better
for everyone
if she had asked how the system worked.
Almost everything is driven by systems now,
by AI and machine learning
and algorithms.
If something is going wrong,
there are two possibilities
– the system is broken,
in which case,
it would be broken for everyone
you don’t understand
the system,
which is much more likely.
Assume you don’t understand
the system
and ask questions based on that.