A Separate Stash Of Money

I’ve posted this
in the past
but this message deserves
to be heard again.

If you are in a romantic relationship,
your partner should have
his/her own stash of money
…especially if you’re a business builder.

Meg Elison

“A friend received
gold bangles as a bridal gift.
When she protested
that they weren’t her style
and were too costly to wear,
the women in her family corrected her.

They’re not to wear;
they’re to sell.
If you ever need to run.
Gold is often more fungible than cash.

And these women,
they’re speaking from experiences
of fleeing collapsed governments,
of depression and recession.”

As a business builder,
you could be sued tomorrow.
You could lose access
to all of your possessions
and your bank accounts,
both personal and business.

Your romantic partner’s stash,
secret or not,
could be a lifeline.

Encourage her/him to have one.