Fighting Modern Nazis Steals Resources From Other Projects

One of my buddies
is a top scientist
in the medical field.

Last week,
she left her role
for the day
and spent that valuable time
protesting white supremacists.

That is a good cause,
a noble cause,
but it is also a cause
we fought TWO world wars
to settle.
My ancestors DIED
fighting the Nazis.
They DIED to ensure
people were treated equally.

And now,
we’re having the same f*cking discussion
yet again.

This is sucking up valuable resources.
Protesting modern Nazis
took one day away
from my friend,
a day she would have used
trying to find a cure
for a deadly disease.

Multiply that lost time
by millions of people
and multiple of protests.

THAT is what revisiting old arguments
like white supremacy
or the world being flat
or vaccines being bad
is costing us.

Yes, we have to fight the good fights.
If we allow one small group
to believe vaccines are bad,
for example,
that will spread
and soon diseases we believed
will return.

But this takes resources,
resources that could be applied
to giving us all an extra year of life
or sending us to space
or saving the planet.

So yes, you’re allowed to be angry
with these groups.

They’re diverting the efforts
of good, caring, passionate people
away from projects
that could make your life
happier and longer.