Surveys, Reviews And Other Customer Participation

For every 100 books I sell,
I receive 1 review.

99% of my readers
have no interest
in leaving reviews.
Reviews don’t represent
their views.
(Which is why I value
pre-orders of the next book
over reviews.)

The reviews
I DO receive
usually come from
one of two groups of readers
(customers) –
1) Fan girl readers
Readers who want to be
part of my success
2) Troll readers
Readers who want to
ensure I fail.

There are some
other groups of readers,
readers who want to help
other readers find the right book,
for example,
but these groups are very small.

The reviews on my books
are skewed
and have very little
to do with the actual book (product).

This is normal.
I’m not an exception.

There are certain groups
of people
who leave reviews,
as there are certain groups
of people
who complete surveys.

Seth Godin

“All open access online surveys
are essentially inaccurate,
because the group
that takes the time
to answer the survey
is usually different
from the general public.”

Realize that the people
leaving reviews
answering surveys
are often NOT representative
of your customer base.

Make decisions
with this in mind.