Every day,
we make hundreds,
maybe thousands of decisions.
That’s tiring.
So we establish routines.
These routines are a way
for us to limit
the number of new decisions
we have to make.
This is why we blindly re-order,
why we continue doing things
that no longer work for us.
“When Maria is reading
a mystery series,
she keeps reading it.
She will audibly complain,
at midnight in bed
while finishing a novel
on her Kindle,
about how shitty
the book she just finished was…
…and then she immediately
gets the next book
by that author.”
“Over the years,
marketers have offered us
one wonder or another
in exchange for
just a little cognitive load.
And those promises
have often been empty.
Not worth the hassle.
So now,
we’ll press the re-order button
like a pigeon in a lab.
It’s easier.”
THIS is one of the reasons
especially full sized sampling
I give a reader
one of my books.
That makes the decision
about what to read next
for her.
She reads the book
and blindly orders
then next one.
Make your prospects’ decisions
easy for them.
Take on some of that
cognitive load.