A writer told me today
he was an expert
about the writing business.
I asked him
what part of the writing business.
He said, “EVERY part.”
That’s bullsh*t.
No one is an expert
in EVERY part of the writing business.
I’ve been studying it intensely
for over two decades
and I still only know
a tiny fraction of it.
NFL Linebacker
Brandon Copeland
is a graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania’s
The Wharton School,
has interned at an investment bank,
worked remotely for a Wall Street firm,
runs a real estate company,
saves and invests 90% of his earnings,
and teaches an university class
on financial literacy
he personally developed.
“the first day of the class
I’m going to tell the class
that I am not an expert
in all of this stuff,
and no one is an expert
in all of this stuff.”
If someone tells you
they’re an expert in EVERYTHING,
run, don’t walk,
away from him.