Do Libraries Decrease Book Sales?

I encouraged everyone
to donate the business books
they aren’t using
to libraries.

A client k reader
contacted me privately
asked me
how I would feel
if someone encouraged people
to donate MY books
to libraries.

I would feel awesome
about this.
In fact, I’m very vocal
about encouraging this.



1) I’ve already benefited
from the original sale.
If the book is in the library
(a little free library or a public library),
it means someone bought it.

(As an aside,
public libraries are a huge market
for writers.
Being anti-library
is more likely to decrease
a writer’s sales
than encouraging folks
to donate their books
will damage sales.)

2) If someone is looking
in the library
for my book,
they likely don’t want it
badly enough
to buy it.

3) Often the people
who find my books
in libraries
weren’t looking for them
in the first place.
It is a discovery place
for books, series and writers.


4) If I prefer my book
be thrown in the trash
rather than
allow a poor person to read it,
I’m a sh*tty person.

Public Libraries and Little Free Libraries
aren’t a threat
to writers.

Categorized as Sales