Choose The Right Prospects Over The Greatest Number Of Prospects

When I first started
my Romance Novel Business,
I would join
any joint marketing campaign
for Romance.

I received a lot of names
and email addresses.
They all loved Romance Novels.
Almost all of them
had no interest
in my specific niche
within Romance Novels.

Now, I only join
joint marketing campaigns
for my specific niche.
The lists of names and emails
are much shorter
but all of those prospects
read within my niche.

Seth Godin

“Running an ad
on the most popular podcast
isn’t smart
if the most popular podcast
reaches people
who don’t care about you.

Perhaps it makes sense
to pay extra
to reach precisely the right people.
It never makes sense
to pay extra
to reach more people.”

Having a gazillion prospects
is useless
if none of them are the right prospects
for our products/services.

Target the right people/entities,
not the greatest number of people/entities.

Categorized as Marketing