Start With The Fire

The first line,
first paragraph,
first page
of a novel are critical.
They have to engage the reader (prospect),
set expectations for the reader,
sell the reader on the book (product).

Crafting marketing copy
and designing pitches
are similar.

One of the best methods
to do that
is to start with some excitement,
give the prospect a hint of a story,
enough to make them
want to hear more.

Bruna Martinuzzi

“”When you advertise
open with the fire,”
says advertising executive
David Ogilvy.

You have only 30 seconds
in a TV commercial
to grab attention.
The same applies
to a presentation.

The first 30 seconds
of your talk is crucial.
This is the time
your listeners form
an impression of you,
and of what’s to follow.”

Start with some excitement.
Capture your prospects
with a story.

Categorized as Marketing